If we scan or take a picture with the camera, then we're going to save it into a file that had the extension or JPG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PICT, JPEG. That is what is called a bitmap image or Bitmap Image. While the images created by graphics applications like Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, or Freehand, can be stored as a vector.Files that stored in the form of ordinary vector format WMF, SWF, CDR, EPS, or AI. We can do the conversion of both types of files, from Vector to Bitmap and vice versa. In fact we can also use both types of files were applied together in one file.
1. Bitmap images, is a collections of bits that form an image. Consist of units of dots or pixels that exists at each color called bits, which is the smallest unit of information in computer systems.
Bitmap Image can be form as:
1. Line-art images, an image consisting of two colors, usually black and white. Black to indicate line or boundaries that form the image, and white act as the background. Usually used for computer with low imaging capabilities but working too on computer with high resolution.
2. Grayscale Images, the image consisting of gray-scale density and produces a certain effect on black and white images.
3. Multi tones Images, a picture that consists of many tones. The colors used are Pantone color.
4. Full Color Images, the image that contains a collection of all the colors in CMYK or RGB color guide.
2. Vector images are a series of mathematical instructions that are translated in the form, line, and other parts which are interconnected to form an image. The size of vector images can be changed without reducing quality. Very suitable for making logo, map, or other objects which will be applied to a wide range of print media that require a change of scale.